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Money and XP Commands

MOTHERGUNSHIP is a bullet-hell roguelite FPS, with the ability to build guns to destroy a mass of foes. The grind for weapon parts greatly increases the playtime, however. Luckily, there's a way to drop this grind from 20+ hours, into a few minutes.

You'll need:

  • A physical disc copy of MOTHERGUNSHIP (NA or EU).
  • An USB keyboard.


• Insert the disc into your PS4, PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro, PS5, PS5 Slim or PS5 Pro.

• Install the game, but quickly pause/cancel the downloading of the v1.09 update.

• Once installed, start the game.

• Proceed past the "tutorial"/1st mission until you reach the allied ship.

• Plug in your USB keyboard.

• Hold "Shift" (left or right doesn't matter) and press "M" once for 1,000 coins.

• Hold "Shift" (left or right doesn't matter) and press "E" once for 10,000,000 XP.


  • Access to the Armory unlocks after the 3rd mission, and you'll be able to upgrade your mech. Pressing "E" once allows you to have enough XP to upgrade every available option (limit of 20x upgrades). There's no reason to press "E" more than once, unless you want to see how much XP you can get.
  • Access to the Smuggler unlocks after the 4th mission, and you'll be able to buy legendary rarity barrels, legendary rarity caps; and standard connectors.
  • If you die in a mission, you can buy some of your lost barrels, caps and connectors back from the Smuggler easily without having to hoard gold coins throughout multiple playthroughs.
  • Due to how the game saves progress, you don't need to delete your save datav1.09 data works on v1.00 versions of the game.


  • Exceeding the signed 32-bit integer (2,147,483,647) for XP will result in the inability to upgrade your mech, locking you out of 1x silver trophy (Tank).
  • Exceeding the signed 32-bit integer (2,147,483,647) for coins will result in the inability to buy barrels, connectors and caps from the Smuggler, or any shop room, potentially locking you out of 1x silver trophy (The Tower of Guns).

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