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Creatura is a vivarium simulator. It has 71 trophies which consist of 70x bronze and 1x platinum.

You'll need:

  • USB keyboard.


  • Once installed, start the game.
  • "Create Vivarium", select "Freeplay".
  • Plug in your keyboard.
  • Press "~" or "`" (below ESC). The "debug" menu will open on the top left of the screen.

Please note:

A warning message stating "Cheat Mode Enabled" will appear once you input a cheat. This says that:

"Achievements have been disabled. Saving is now limited. Player global inventory, currency and progress are no longer tracked. Restart the game to quit cheat mode."

Trophies are not disabled, and the warning message cannot be removed unless you close the game. Do your best to ignore it, although it may be difficult when it comes to some trophies.


The following commands must be inputted as shown, and are case sensitive.

Unlocks trophy

  • askingfornemo - Spawns 2x fish. Unlocks "And Chips" trophy.
  • bugsnotfeatures - Spawns 2x crustacean. Unlocks "And Garlic" trophy.
  • fourleafclover - Spawns 1x rare plant. Will unlock "Flying Hollender" after time has passed. Required for "Miracle Legumes" trophy.
  • koipondrepresent - Spawns 2x silverfish. Unlocks "And Floor Tiles" trophy.
  • lasttimeitscute - Spawns 2x horseshoe crab. Unlocks "And Shoot It" trophy.
  • ontonormandy - Spawns 2x amphibian. Unlocks "And Normandy" trophy.
  • paytributetonotch - Unlocks "Starting", "Shruting" and "Swansoning" trophies. Required for "Decorating Around", "Little Messy", "Cramped Space" and "Hoarding Problem" trophies.
  • underwaterstag - Spawns 2x slug. Unlocks "And Butter" trophy.

Confirmed not working

  • alestorm
  • donewiththat - Does not skip quest.
  • gastropodogedon - Does not spawn 2x sea snails, or unlock "And Salt" trophy.
  • notgonnawaitwholeday - Does not grant a daily quest.
  • praisegaben - Does not spawn chest, only a golden key.
  • skipthesequels - Does not unlock all scenarios.

Guaranteed to cause a crash

The below commands should not be used on PS4/PS5.

  • iwishforfish - Caps the number of animals in your vivarium, and crashes the game.
  • midastouch - Force fills the inventory, and crashes the game.
  • trustmeimanengineer - Corrupts save game. Requires deletion from console.
  • whathappensifipressthisbutton - Forces error, and crashes the game.

Step-by-step Guides

(Bronze) Cold Box:

  • Press Down on the D-pad to modify your tank.
  • Select "Tank Stand" using the Left Stick.
  • Press L1 or R1 to change to a white X.
  • Select "Tank Rims" using the Left Stick.
  • Press L1 or R1 to change to a white X.
  • Select "Tank Lid" using the Left Stick.
  • Press L1 or R1 to change to a white X.

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